From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice

Rating: ★★★★★

It is true that nursing as a profession has changed rapidly over the last 25 years, and of course, as with all students, nurses have to prioritise on the latest written information. However, this 1984 publication, well respected as a reflective text, really reaches the heart of what nursing is all about, what motivates people to become nurses, what is expected of nurses in practice, how to address the fears we have as nurses, and how you can go the extra mile and develop the art of expert nursing practice. And as importantly, how people instinctively know the difference between an expert nurse, and the few for whom it is just a job.
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What Women Want -2000 DVD

Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

What do women want? How does Mars understand Venus? If there was an easy way, most men would take it. I guess this film proves reading women’s minds was no easy way. On the whole, I like to review books and films I really like. With `What women want’ I am going to make an exception, not because it is totally without merit, for example the fine acting of Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt and Marisa Tomei, and the great music. However, in my opinion, it is false to its premise. Before I get criticised for taking it too seriously, this is my disclaimer. I’m going to take it seriously.

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